German news leaks diablo 4
German news leaks diablo 4

german news leaks diablo 4

The game's Steam page is live now.Īs Blizzard evolves as a studio, inside and out, one of the ideas pushing us forward is meeting players around the world where they are and making our games as easy as possible to access and play. Here's a preview of the book taken from Amazon:ĭiablo IV was reportedly in development when Reaper of Souls came out and got rebooted after two years, because it wasn't shaping well, so they came up with the Rise of Necromancer DLC for Diablo III to make up for the canceled project.īased on our latest article on Diablo IV, we know the current iteration of the game has been in development only since 2016 under code name Hades with Luis Barriga as Game Director, who has worked on World of Warcraft in the past.Ī GameStar ad released ahead of BlizzCon teases Diablo IV artwork of an upcoming book.īlizzard have announced a big change, as they will be bringing some games to Steam! Company President Mike Ybarra announced this a short while ago. Overwatch 2 is coming to Steam on October 10th, and it hasn't been announced what other games may follow. This would be the second leak in a row to talk about the unveiling of the the next Diablo game at the event. The book will become available on November 3, right after BlizzCon.Ī few days ago, we looked at a leak which talked about Diablo IV in addition to a Diablo II Remaster and Overwatch 2 to be unveiled at BlizzCon. The German GameStar magazine comes with an ad for the book ahead of BlizzCon claiming the book contains art from the upcoming Diablo IV title.Ī rough translation from German tells us the book contains more than 500 memorable artworks from Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo III, and Diablo IV. The Art of Diablo is a book showcasing Diablo art that will release after BlizzCon on November 3.

German news leaks diablo 4