Ps4 dead space remaster
Ps4 dead space remaster

ps4 dead space remaster

Remasters simply enhance a game’s look and feel by improving things like resolution, lighting, and audio. Sometimes, a game’s story is reworked to fill any plot holes or to make it more coherent.Įxamples of remakes include Resident Evil 2, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and The Last Of Us Part I. Graphics are completely overhauled, and gameplay systems are updated to meet present-day standards.

ps4 dead space remaster

But sometimes they are used interchangeably – and that causes a lot of confusion.Ī remake is when a video game has been rebuilt from the ground up using modern technology. But many are asking is Dead Space a remake or remaster?īy now, most gamers are used to the terms “remaster” and “remake”. And this week, fans finally get to jump back into Isaac Clarke’s boots once more.

ps4 dead space remaster

Dead Space is a bonafide survival horror classic. And the reputation that game built has certainly stood the test of time. I still remember playing 2008’s original like it was yesterday. The fact Dead Space 3 came out ten years ago makes me feel old.

Ps4 dead space remaster